Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Logan Day 13

So Logan is pretty much kicking butt!  He has gained up to 4lbs 8oz, his feeding was increased, and he hasn't had any breathing episodes.  I went up earlier in the day yesterday to visit him because I had a lactation consultation to breastfeed.  When I got there, the nurse was getting him ready for a diaper change - so I took over.  I kind of wish I hadn't because as I was changing his perfectly not gross diaper, Logan proceeded to projectile poop everywhere.  It was on my hand, on his lines, on the bed, on his new clean diaper, everywhere.  The nurse was working with the twins next door, so I was on my own.  I stood there for a minute trying to figure out what I could do.  I couldn't very well clean him off when my own hand was so gross.  But I felt odd leaving him there to wash my hands.  But...  hand washing prevailed.  So I went and washed my hands, then came back to try to clean him up until the nurse was available.  I took some wipes and wiped him down.  Grabbed a new diaper and put it on him.  I was about to snap his onesie, when I realized it was covered in something - his own pee!  He must have peed on himself while I was washing my hands!  So then I had to figure out how to get his onesie off of him with all of the lines on him.  Thankfully at that point, the nurse came back in.  She started laughing and helped me finish cleaning him up.

While we were getting his bed changed and him changed, the lactation consultant walked in.  She was apologizing for being a little late, and I told her it was ok, Logan had been busy and would have made me late!  Once everything was put to sorts, the consultant measured Logan.  Then I sat down in the chair with a boppy and we arranged him.  The biggest things we were looking for was to see if he was swallowing and then taking breaks to breathe.  As I mentioned before, preemies don't always have the suck, swallow, breathe pattern down.  That made me nervous because I was imaging all sorts of situations with him choking on milk.

Well, Logan did latch and even had some good swallows down, followed by breathing breaks.  He was starting to fall asleep (I guess his pooping episode wore him out), so the consultant and I worked to try to wake him up.  We were stroking his head, wiggling him a little, she stroked his throat.  He's definitely a stubborn child.  I wonder where he gets that from?

After about 30 minutes, we stopped him and he was weighed.  He didn't gain any weight, but the consultant thinks he got a few ccs of milk, which is great!  The nurse then hooked him up to his feeding tube and we put him back in his bed.

I hung out by his bedside and read him some French storybooks.  I also went down and visited my friend Amy and met her baby boy.  It sure is strange seeing a full-term baby after all of this time in the NICU - he was born twice Logan's weight.  He's quite a cutie, too!  Good job Amy & Brad!

At 5:00 I changed Logan's diaper again - he was nicer this time.  Then, he and I cuddled while we waited for Jesse.  While waiting for Jesse, I could tell Logan pooped again.  As soon as Jesse arrived I said, "Logan needs his diaper changed, he pooped!"  I wasn't going through that again.  At least, not twice in 1 day.

Then, Jesse rocked him and I pumped.  Our friends Chloe & Tim came by to meet Logan.  Then we went to dinner together.  Today Logan gets to try his first bottle.  Fingers crossed he grasps this quickly so he can move up to two!

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