Monday, February 4, 2013

Logan Day 12

Well, not many updates for today - which is a good thing.  He gained another ounce - so 4lbs 7oz!  He's getting about 8.5 oz of milk a day.  No apnea episodes recently, so let's hope he keeps up that good work.  The biggest hurdle he needs to jump over before he comes home is bottle feeding and breast feeding.  He begins bottle feeding on Wednesday.  They will wait until Jesse and I are there before they do the first one.  The nurse today said that it may take up to 3 weeks for him to take 8 bottles/breast feedings a day.  Let's hope he can learn faster than that so he can come home sooner!  Now that his feedings will be moving more towards hands-on feedings and away form the feeding tube, I may begin spending more time up there with him, as we'll be able to participate in this part of his development.

It is exciting that he now has a piece of paper hanging up in his roo that says "Discharge Goals" - or something along those lines.  We're going to get his carseat this weekend, as they do special carseat tests to make sure he doesn't have any apnea episodes or anything like that in his carseat.  We also signed up for an Infant CPR class this Saturday - which we have to do in order to take him home.  So we're making strides towards getting him here.  We also need to pick out pediatricians.  We have our list, now we just need to schedule meetings.  That's my goal for tomorrow.  Call the two offices we've chosen and set up interviews.

Tomorrow I have a lactation consultation where we will do a real breastfeeding.  I say real because this time he'll get weighed before and then weighed after.  I'm not expecting much yet, but it will be nice to learn some pointers from the lactation specialists.

Today Jesse and I went up to see Logan as soon as Jesse got off work.  I did Logan's laundry today (and some work clothes for Jesse, too) and packed him a bag with blankets and clothes.  One of the first things we did when we got there - after I changed his super nasty diaper - was to put him in a new outfit.  He looked so cute!  Then we snuggled for awhile and Jesse read Logan a Batman comic (Uncle Adam & Cousin Michelle will appreciate this!).  Jesse took over holding Logan while I pumped and read the rest of the comic.  Then we tucked our little man in and came home.  I've had to start making lists of things I need to accomplish at home so we can have the house ready for our guy.  It helps that I'm slowly feeling better and healing.  Here are some pictures of Logan in his new outfit:

Oh, and congrats to my friend Amy who had her baby boy today!  I will be visiting them tomorrow when I'm up there with Logan.

1 comment:

  1. I fell in love with Baby Logan today! He unusually smiled 6 or 7 times after Jesse and Sarah left! He woke up and moved his head and tried to look around. I kept talking to him and Courtney too. It was so hard leaving him up there by himself. He's so little and perfect! So glad he is gaining weight each day! Love, Great Aunt Lynda
