Friday, February 15, 2013

Logan's 4th Friday

Today Jesse and I had our last pediatrician interview.  This one was with the first practice I had picked out, back in December when we thought Logan wouldn't be here until March.  I had liked this practice's website, so I was looking forward to it.  I picked Jesse up at work and we drove to the office. Because I had made this appointment while still pregnant, she was surprised that it was no longer a prenatal interview.  We liked the decor of the office and felt like we had a good rapport with the doctor.  On the way home, we started discussing what we liked and didn't like about each practice so we could begin to make a decision.  One thing I feel is important (and Jesse agrees), is comfort level with the doctor.  This is someone I will be asking a lot of questions and from whom I will be seeking advice.  The first doctor and the one from today were the ones with whom I felt most comfortable.  I think we are leaning more towards the doctor from today.  We really got along well with her.  Jesse most of all.  I was really tired and felt like I was about to fall asleep in her office, so I was mostly mute and probably looked uninterested.  But seriously, I was just exhausted.  But yeah, I think that's who we will probably go with, but no official decision yet.

I didn't go to see Logan earlier in the day because of the interview, so I picked Jesse up from work and we headed over to Northside together.  We got there and Jesse held him while I pumped.  Logan is up to 5lbs 9oz, his feedings have increased to 45cc, and he took 2 of his three bottles yesterday (1 feedings was breastfeeding/bottle & he did well with that as I mentioned earlier).  They also have changed his tube feedings.  Instead of him getting the milk over an hour and a half, he now gets it over an hour.  He digested his food well with the shortened time period, which is great!  He did have one apnea episode, but that is much improved from earlier in the week.  I held Logan after I finished pumping, and then he was visited by his Mimi and Pops - or whatever Logan decides to call Jesse's mom & step-dad.

Logan was in for a special treat, today was the first day someone other than us or the nurses were allowed to hold him.  He still can't be held by anyone else if we're not there.  Also, only one person per visit & they have to have their DTaP vaccination (he's in NICU, so not just him, but all of the other babies are vulnerable to illness & pertussis has made a comeback).  But his Mimi was so very happy to be able to hold him for the first time.  As we were getting ready to leave and I was putting Little Man back in his crib to go to bed, I accidentally pulled out his feeding tube.  I was so very scared that this was a bad thing and that it would hurt him.  He scrunched up his nose and looked like he was about to cry.  I kind of yelled for the nurse and let her know about it.  Well, it turns out it wasn't too big of a deal.  I know that other babies have pulled theirs out (and Logan has tried, hence all the tape), but I still felt horrible.  She assured me he really couldn't feel it, and since his next feeding was a bottle, she wasn't going to put it in until his 11:30 feeding.  So we now have a picture of him without his feeding tube.

Tomorrow, I am going to try to get up there around 8:00 so I can try breastfeeding him.  His bottle/breast feedings are his 8:00 & 2:00 feedings (am & pm).  I also have my second shower tomorrow with my girlfriends, so yay for that!  Well, it's bedtime, I have to leave the house around 7:30, that's going to be difficult for me to do.  Wish me luck!

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